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Main Clinic Number
(307) 856-9281

Arapahoe Hours
Mon - Fri:
8AM - 4:45 PM

Ethete Hours
Monday - Friday
8 AM - 4:45 PM

Riverton Hours
Monday and Friday
8 AM - 10 PM
Tuesday -Thursday
8 AM - 5 PM
Saturday and Sunday
1 PM - 10 PM

REPORTS TO: Clinical Director
SALARY: Negotiable
JOB TYPE: Permanent/Full-Time/Exempt
OPEN DATE: January 24, 2024
CLOSE DATE: Until filled


Provides vision services, eye care education and counseling to patients.


Participates in organizational meetings to develop new, modify exiting and evaluate medical procedures relative to patient care with objective of constantly improving and increasing the degree of patient care given to clients.
Basic optometry duties include examine eyes, using observation, instruments, and pharmaceutical agents, to determine visual acuity and perception, focus and coordination and to diagnose diseases and other abnormalities such glaucoma, macular degeneration, diabetes, etc.
Treat visual disorders through prescription of corrective lenses such as glasses, contact lenses or low vision aids, vision therapy, pharmacological means; treats unusual visual disorders through application of advance optometric techniques; consult and refer patients to other health care practitioners if additional treatment is necessary.
Coordinates care and coverage of three optometry offices (Arapaho, Riverton, and Ethete).
Make appropriate referrals to other specialist or services.


Will also oversee designing and implementing a high-quality optical department across the three clinics; as well as, implementing services utilizing the future mobile optometry staff and set policy and standards for the optometry department.
Maintain scheduling and timesheets of optometrists and ancillary optometry staff and set policy and standards for the optometry department.
Oversees the daily workflow of the Optometry department.
Conducts performance evaluations for the Optometry staff that are timely and constructive.
Handles disciplinary action for the Optometry staff in accordance with WRFCHC policy.
Other duties as assigned to maintain and enhance the operation of the department.


A Doctor of Optometry from school accredited by the Council on Optometric Education. Certificates, licenses, registration.
Must possess a theoretical and practical knowledge of optometry.
Must possess a valid driver license and be able to meet insurance standards; maintain insurability under WRFCHCs insurance program.
Must be able to pass a criminal background check under the Indian Child Protection Act and Family Act (P.L.101-630).
Must be able to obtain BLS within 60 days of hire.


Submit a complete application with supporting documents to WRFCHC Human Resource Department located at 120 North 6th East St (Old DFS Bldg.), Riverton WY.

Fillable online application and download applications are also available at and can be emailed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

For any questions, please contact Kendra Bogacz 307-856-9281 Ext 180.

Supporting documents: Driver’s License, Tribal ID, High School Diploma/GED, Degree or professional credentials, and other supporting documents that verify required qualifications.

Applicants who have a current application on file, please submit a letter of interest for each position in which you want to be considered for. The letter should address how you meet each qualification. Telephone calls are not accepted in place of an employment application or letter of interest.

Background investigation, drug and alcohol screening are required as a condition of employment. Refusal will render the applicant ineligible for employment.